Yumi Tapia Higa

Favorite Quote: " Everything you need, your courage, strength, compassion, and love; everything you need is already within you" Unknown

Class given: Yoga



This class aims to connect body, mind, and emotions through the practice of yoga with playful elements. Participants will be able to acquire tools to channel their energy kindly with themselves and the environment. 

Each class begins with brief actions that allow students to focus on the present, they continue with a general warm-up of the body to give space to the different “Asanas” (Yoga postures). These promote awareness of our body, improve our posture, and expand our flexibility, balance, and muscle strength. 

The movements are carried out through stories, games, imagination, and drawings. In the final part, we do breathing exercises, chant basic mantras, and close with a short active meditation. 

The “Asanas” and sequences are adapted for children and are adapted to the particular characteristics of each participant. The stories and tales, in addition to entertaining, help to assimilate the names of the postures and understand their origin, activating memory. 

Breathing exercises benefit the management of emotions, such as anxiety. Simple chants and mantras provide the possibility of expressing our voice and resting our thoughts. Meditation integrates what has been learned and expands the capacity for concentration and attention.

Fun Facts

Bolivian, I am 3rd generation Japanese, craniosacral, bipolarity, and 5 elements therapist, AIYY certified Yoga and Restorative Yoga teacher, and contemporary dance teacher. I started dancing when I was 15, which led me to an inner and healthy encounter with asthma. 

Since then, I have danced along various paths, sometimes co-creating, teaching-learning, and healing in and with others. A constant for me is the investigation of movement in a comprehensive way, the interrelation of the body with emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and other bodies, with other contexts and imaginaries. 

The diversity that we are and cohabit inspires me to continue with -moving and internalizing in my work as a therapist, teacher, and artist.